The Unification Layer for Web3
Avail is a Web3 infrastructure layer designed to enable scalable and interoperable modular execution layers in a trust-minimized way. Its key components include Avail DA, which provides a robust base layer for next-generation applications, Nexus, which addresses rollup fragmentation through a permissionless verification hub, and Fusion Security, which enhances economic security. Avail aims to unify the Web3 ecosystem by integrating chains and rollups, ensuring secure and efficient interactions across platforms.
The above video is a tutorial on
How to stake your AVL using the Avail Staking Dashboard
Below is a written version of the instructions from the video above. Whether you prefer written guidance or just want to take your time, we've got you covered. Review the steps below for an easy staking experience.
First, determine the amount of AVL you want to stake. To stake directly on a validator, you need a minimum of 1000 AVL. If you have less than 1000 AVL, consider staking in a nomination pool. By pooling your AVL with other stakers, you can still earn rewards even without the minimum amount required for direct staking.

We will be using the SubWallet extension for this tutorial, however you can use a different wallet if you prefer. Ensure that you have some AVL loaded on your wallet, ready for staking.

Click '+ connect' in the SubWallet section. Once you see that it is connected, click to exit the window.

Click on 'Accounts' in the top right-hand corner, and then select the account you want to connect.

Navigate to 'Validators'

Type the name of your favourite validator, Staking4All, in the search bar. Then click the heart to add it to your favourites.
When staking on Avail, you can choose to nominate up to 16 validators. Add some more good validators to your favourites if you wish.

Now let's go to 'Nominate', then 'Start Nominating'

Choose how you would like your payouts to be received, we are going to select 'compound' and then 'continue'

Here you can select how you will nominate your validators, we are selecting 'From Favourites'.

You can add more validators using the provided buttons if desired. Once you have made your selections, click the 'select' button.

Now you can 'check' all the validators you want to nominate, then 'continue'

Type the amount of AVL we wish to stake, or bond, then 'continue'

Now we can see a summary of our stake. You are able to update and change any of the above parameters, then when you are happy with your selections, click 'Start Nominating', and 'Approve' the transaction on the SubWallet pop-up.

You will now be able to see and manage your nominations, as well as viewing and collecting your staking rewards.